LIMITED EDITION: Only 300 printed! Will NOT be reprinted. First printed in 1896, now digitally recreated from scratch using original source material. The original No. 47 Circus Playing Cards advertising copy said: "The staid old Kings, Queens and Jac
LIMITED EDITION: Only 300 printed! Will NOT be reprinted.
First printed in 1896, now digitally recreated from scratch using original source material. The original No. 47 Circus Playing Cards advertising copy said: "The staid old Kings, Queens and Jacks have given way to various well-known ring masters, clowns and queens."
This fun all-purpose deck features easy-to-read large indices, 12 individual courts and a 2-way blue color back design featuring a lion tamer. The original deck only included 1 Joker but we added an extra for modern game play.
Please note: gilding can wear off with regular use.
Printed by USPCC on classic stock
Poker size
Traditional cut
Embossed finish
Limited edition of 300
2 Jokers, extra Ace & blank Face
Custom stamp style tax seal
Digitally recreated from scratch
Illustrated by Azured Ox
Produced by Will Roya
2019 release
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LIMITED EDITION: Only 300 printed! Will NOT be reprinted. First printed in 1896, now digitally recreated from scratch using original source material. The original No. 47 Circus Playing Cards advertising copy said: "The staid old Kings, Queens and Jac