LIMITED EDITION: Only 1500 printed! Will NOT be reprinted. The ONE Playing Cards Portland Edition was specially made for Cardistry-Con 2019, which was held in Portland, Oregon and takes on the colors of the Portland flag. The green signifies the gree
LIMITED EDITION: Only 1500 printed! Will NOT be reprinted.
The ONE Playing Cards Portland Edition was specially made for Cardistry-Con 2019, which was held in Portland, Oregon and takes on the colors of the Portland flag. The green signifies the green city and the forests, the yellow for agriculture and commerce and blue for the rivers of Portland. The color combination of the flag just works on the ONE deck creating stunning displays during performances.
Manufactured by MPC using the renowned new combination of card stock and varnish for a softer, lighter and much smoother touch for card flourishes. See the video and learn more about The ONE Playing Cards.
Supreme quality playing cards
Linen air light card stock with BETA varnish for superb handling, a brand new development specially made for cardists and magicians
55 cards
Box sealed and cello wrapped
As seen at Cardistry-Con
"Not for playing..." as written on the box
Limited to a one-time production run of 1,500 decks
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LIMITED EDITION: Only 1500 printed! Will NOT be reprinted. The ONE Playing Cards Portland Edition was specially made for Cardistry-Con 2019, which was held in Portland, Oregon and takes on the colors of the Portland flag. The green signifies the gree