A brand-new collection of one liners, visual gags and easy-to-do tricks with routines for magicians and mentalists. If you want to add some comedy to your close-up or stand-up performances, here's a collection of material to help make you more memora
A brand-new collection of one liners, visual gags and easy-to-do tricks with routines for magicians and mentalists.
If you want to add some comedy to your close-up or stand-up performances, here's a collection of material to help make you more memorable! With contributions from top cruise ship comedy magician Mel Mellers, brilliant comedy mentalist Mike McClean, and the hilarious Nathan Kranzo, there's something in here for everyone. 28 pages.
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Graham Hey
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A brand-new collection of one liners, visual gags and easy-to-do tricks with routines for magicians and mentalists. If you want to add some comedy to your close-up or stand-up performances, here's a collection of material to help make you more memora