GENII THE CONJURORS' MAGAZINE VOLUME 84 NUMBER 3March 2021 FEATURES One Night in Brooklyn by Jamy Ian SwissCOLUMNS Genii Speaks by Richard Kaufman In Memoriam:David Roth by Dr. Michael RubinsteinMark Wilson by Max MavenBev Bergeron by Phil SchwartzJo
Siegfried Fischbacher by Max Maven, Erika Larsen and Jonathan Pendragon
The Eye by Chloe Olewitz
ExhumationsA Very Lucky Royal Flush by Jon Racherbaumer Material Concessions Flying Over Washington by David Regal Stage as Studio Life After Zoom by Krystyn Lambert Happiness is the Road Evolutions and Revolutions by Hannibal Dealing With It Generalissimo by John Bannon
Magicana by Jonathan Friedman
Sympathy Fantastique by Paul Gallagher
EARected by Michal Huot
Hot Divination by Dibya Guha and Jonathan Friedman
The Academy of Magical Arts in Genii Back to Surreality by Libby Ward
Books Reviewed by Elliott Terral
Sleights and Insights by John Carney
Tangram by Alexander Hansford and Stephen Long
No Ordinary Magic by Eileen McFalls
Videos Reviewed by Nathan Coe Marsh
Mario The Maker Magician LIVE by Mario The Maker Magician
Michael Close Facebook Live Broadcasts by Michael Close
Tricks Reviewed by Ryan Plunkett
The FPS Wallet by Brent Braun and The Magic Firm
"Full Contact" by Nick Diffatte
"Houdini's Last Trick" by Peter Eggink and Empty Hand Productions
"GLEAM" by William Alexis Houcke
"I AM ARRR!" by Abstract Effects
"Candy Pop" by Jhony Zam and Tumi Magic
"Airplane Mode" by George Iglesias and Twister Magic
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GENII THE CONJURORS' MAGAZINE VOLUME 84 NUMBER 3March 2021 FEATURES One Night in Brooklyn by Jamy Ian SwissCOLUMNS Genii Speaks by Richard Kaufman In Memoriam:David Roth by Dr. Michael RubinsteinMark Wilson by Max MavenBev Bergeron by Phil SchwartzJo