GENII THE CONJURORS' MAGAZINE VOLUME 84 NUMBER 4April 2021 FEATURES 10 Things Actors Know That Magicians Don't by Robert RamirezOne Night in Brooklyn, Part Two by Jamy Ian SwissCOLUMNS Genii Speaks by Richard Kaufman In Memoriam:Sol Stone by Meir Yed
10 Things Actors Know That Magicians Don't by Robert Ramirez One Night in Brooklyn, Part Two by Jamy Ian Swiss
Genii Speaks by Richard Kaufman In Memoriam:
Sol Stone by Meir Yedid
The Eye by Chloe Olewitz
Chamber of SecretsSpirit Bells by John Gaughan Exhumations Apparitional Card on Ceilingby Jon Racherbaumer Cardopolis Double Dealing Dr. Daley's Last Trick by David Britland Artifices Speed Apparition by Roberto Mansilla Conjuring Ovation by Jim Steinmeyer Expert at the Kids' Table Here Comes the Sun by David Kaye
Magicana by Jonathan Friedman
QEN by Chris Randall
Bit-Coin Transpo by Jonathan Friedman
The Card of Choice by Chris Wardle
The Academy of Magical Arts in Genii Conjurers Book Club by Libby Ward
Tricks Reviewed by David Regal
"Copeland Coin Box" by Jeff Copeland
"Changing Cards" by Bob Swadling
"Takeoff" by Arnaud
"Vanishing Ring" by SansMinds
"The Ring Box" by Tom Yurasits
"No-Ring Ring Hank" by Lynetta Welch
"A Clean Ring Vanish" by John Archer
"The Oracle System" by Ben Seidman
"Aces Front" by Alan Wakeling
"Dinglish Deck" by Curtis Kam
"Hit" by Luke Jermay
"Tell the Truth" by the Creators of ThoughtCast
Books Reviewed by Francis Menotti
That Old Black Magic: The Lives and Legends of Great African-American Magicians by Jim and Melania Magus
The Yankee Magic Collector No.19 by New England Magic Collectors Association
Magic Unconcealed by Jay Collen
Videos Reviewed by Ryan Matney
Impromptu Magic Project, Volumes 1 to 3 by Penguin Magic
Luis Carreon 2 Penguin Live Lecture by Luis Carreon
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GENII THE CONJURORS' MAGAZINE VOLUME 84 NUMBER 4April 2021 FEATURES 10 Things Actors Know That Magicians Don't by Robert RamirezOne Night in Brooklyn, Part Two by Jamy Ian SwissCOLUMNS Genii Speaks by Richard Kaufman In Memoriam:Sol Stone by Meir Yed