GENII THE CONJURORS' MAGAZINE VOLUME 86 NUMBER 7JULY 2023FEATURES Jeff McBride: Beyond the Masks by Larry HassThe Academy of Magical Arts 2023 Awards Show by Dustin StinettMagic in The Alamo City by William WintersCOLUMNS Genii Speaks by Richard Kauf
Jeff McBride: Beyond the Masks by Larry Hass The Academy of Magical Arts 2023 Awards Show by Dustin Stinett Magic in The Alamo City by William Winters
Genii Speaks by Richard Kaufman In Memoriam Milt Larsen by David Regal The Eye by Vanessa Armstrong Exhumations Locus-Abruptus by Jon Racherbaumer Chamber of Secrets TNot Your Average Cigarette Lighter by John Gaughan Thoughts ... On Humor and Magic by Rafael Benatar Cardopolis But They Didn't Stop There by David Britland Artifices Stop Trick by Roberto Mansilla Expert at the Kids' Table Life as a County Fair Magician by David Kaye Magicana by Robert Ramirez
New Principle Torn and Restored Card by John Shack
Ambitious Card Finale by Griffin Watt
The Academy of Magical Arts in Genii
Knights at The Magic Castle by Shawn McMaster
Now Appearing at The Magic Castle
Videos Reviewed by Joe M. Turner
Chris Kenner Masterclass by Chris Kenner
Books Reviewed by David Britland
Vallarino by John Lovick
Instructions for Miracles by Friedrich Roitzsch
Mastering False Shuffles & Cuts by Michael Close
Tricks Reviewed by Mark Phillips
"BDM Hands Off" by Bazar de Magia
"The Bet" by Christian Grace
TCC Spirit Slates Pro by Conan Liu and Royce Luodfs
"Our Very Best" and "Hot Knife Set" by Rodger Lovins
"Chinese Wishing Papers" by Mike Hummer Magic
Switch Wallet and Ultimate Prediction Wallet by Mike Hummer Magic
"Refilled" Refills by Henry Harrius
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GENII THE CONJURORS' MAGAZINE VOLUME 86 NUMBER 7JULY 2023FEATURES Jeff McBride: Beyond the Masks by Larry HassThe Academy of Magical Arts 2023 Awards Show by Dustin StinettMagic in The Alamo City by William WintersCOLUMNS Genii Speaks by Richard Kauf