"C'est un outil très utile qui vous permettra d'effectuer d'innombrables routines ! Bravo, Joel !" - Luca Volpe Imaginez pouvoir voir tout ce que le participant a dessiné ou écrit à l'intérieur d'une enveloppe. Pas de fenêtre Pas de retrait du billet Pas de s
"This is a very useful tool that will allow you to perform countless routines! Well done,Joel!"
- Luca Volpe
Imagine being able to see everything that the participant has drawn or written inside anenvelope.
What is Thought Extraction?
Thought Extraction is an envelope set that allows you to peek the information written inone of the envelopes, allowing you to do routines that include:
You will be taught routines and ideas by the likes Jason Varga, Jake Keane and CraigPetty.
What makes it different?
You can lay all 5 envelopes down on the table with the 'dirty' side of the gimmickedenvelope facing up and it will look identical to the regular envelopes.
You will be taught how to make additional gimmicks and custom regular envelopes soyou can hand the regular envelopes to the spectators to keep at the end of your routine.
What do you get?
With Thought Extraction you get: