Produced and designed by Tora Magic CompanyLet the charisma of this legendary crafted magic do the talking.Effect:There is a half-covered cage on your table. Display it empty to the audience and cover the cage. Upon removing the cover, the cage is fi
Let the charisma of this legendary crafted magic do the talking.
There is a half-covered cage on your table. Display it empty to the audience and cover the cage. Upon removing the cover, the cage is filled with two or three doves or rabbits! Audiences are stunned!
Don't Hesitate to watch the video to discover more about this precious piece of art.
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Produced and designed by Tora Magic CompanyLet the charisma of this legendary crafted magic do the talking.Effect:There is a half-covered cage on your table. Display it empty to the audience and cover the cage. Upon removing the cover, the cage is fi