The magician displays a hat, and places a large, solid die into it. He then shows two rectangular tubes. He shows them empty by inserting his hand inside. He places the die into Tube #1. It's lifted up, and the die has vanished, only to be found insi
The magician displays a hat, and places a large, solid die into it. He then shows two rectangular tubes. He shows them empty by inserting his hand inside. He places the die into Tube #1. It's lifted up, and the die has vanished, only to be found inside Tube #2! The die vanishes from Tube #2 and reappears under Tube #1! This happens a few times until both tubes are lifted and the die is gone! Where is it? It is found to be inside the hat! Much fun throughout the magical routine.
Tubes and die.
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The magician displays a hat, and places a large, solid die into it. He then shows two rectangular tubes. He shows them empty by inserting his hand inside. He places the die into Tube #1. It's lifted up, and the die has vanished, only to be found insi