The Vanishing Cane has been loved by audiences for many years. We guarantee the quality of this version, as JL Magic makes this product using high-quality film. It is available in various colors - the standard black, along with vivid pink, or even ca
The Vanishing Cane has been loved by audiences for many years. We guarantee the quality of this version, as JL Magic makes this product using high-quality film. It is available in various colors - the standard black, along with vivid pink, or even candy-striped red and white! Express yourself and your magic with the various colors! The effect is even more effective when used with a feather or silk.
Size: 100-110cm (Total)/6cm (Fold)
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The Vanishing Cane has been loved by audiences for many years. We guarantee the quality of this version, as JL Magic makes this product using high-quality film. It is available in various colors - the standard black, along with vivid pink, or even ca